Mobile porn: Actress Lilith Rose Strip Searched & Mistreated By Doctor Tampa While Incarcerated For Protesting Pipeline In North Dakota Because That State Is FUCKED! Full movie EXCLUSIVELY at watch online
#SocialAwarenessPorn - This movie is a creative interpretation of the mistreatment suffered by the “Water Protectors'' at the wicked hands of the North Dakota Government & Morton County Sheriff's Kyle Kirchmeier. There is no excuse for the mistreatment of inmates just trying to protect Native American's land, including burial sites that were then bulldozed over. The sheriffs mistreatment was rampant & included keeping people in pet cages, writing inmate numbers on them with sharpies, physical mistreatment, mental tort her, and targeted against those who were the offspring of the “Water Protectors''...Including one kept naked inside of her cell for 24 hours! Their concerns were real and valid as this pipeline has leaked multiple times since being completed. Never forget the sacrifices made by those only trying to protect our planet. #DefundPolice #WeOnlyHaveOnePlanet North Dakota has faced serious protests over the oil pipelines that they are trying to run through